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Care and Justice services

The Group's Care & Justice services businesses are concentrated in the UK and Australia where we have built significant knowledge and expertise.
Melbourne Court

The market for the private provision of care and justice services is fairly consolidated with a small number of large providers. Larger companies are usually better equipped to deliver the highly specialised services in this sector, working with a diverse supply chain including the voluntary sector.

We aim to achieve positive outcomes for those in the care and justice system. G4S will only offer custody, detention, rehabilitation and care services where we can access a qualified talent pool and where the political, legal, human rights and regulatory framework is consistent with our Group values and results in acceptable operational, commercial and reputational risk. 

Care and Rehabilitation Services UK

G4S has been providing value for money, innovation, and social benefit within the criminal justice sector in the United Kingdom since the first private sector prison in the country was opened in 1992. Since then, expertise from around the business has been used to expand and improve our offering.

Care and Justice Services Australia

G4S Australia & New Zealand is an integral part of the Australian justice system.