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E.On Smart Meters

G4S Utility Services wins E.ON Smart Metering Foundation Contract
G4S, contract

G4S Utility Services (G4S) is further increasing its footprint in the smart metering sector with the announcement it has been awarded the Foundation smart metering managed service contract by E.ON.

The service will support the installation, commissioning and full data communications process of industry compliant metering devices. Additional value added services will also be delivered, including support for legacy smart meters and providing interoperability services for smart meters following change of supplier.

G4S has been providing traditional meter reading services to E.ON for many years, but this is the first time that smart metering services are being included and recognises G4S’ increasing involvement in smart meter technology.

Kim Challis, Managing Director at G4S Utility Services, said:

“This is great news for us and we’re proud that E.ON has chosen us to provide this service. As technology and energy provision changes, we’re moving with the times and that means increasing involvement in the provision, maintenance and operation of Smart metering technology. Our expertise in data management and Smart services allows us to provide an interoperability solution, meaning we can serve all E.ON’s Smart meters, whether installed by E.ON and their agents or inherited by E.ON on change of supplier. We look forward to a long and mutually beneficial relationship with E.ON.”

Don Leiper, Director of New Business at E.ON, said:

“We’ve already installed over 100,000 smart meters across the country and will install one million meters during the foundation period which runs until 2014. Our customers want more accurate bills, more innovative products and more control over their energy use. Smart meters give us the opportunity to provide this and we’re working hard to ensure that our customers who wish to receive the early benefits of smart metering are able to do so.

“Our customers want smart meters and those who now have them are extremely pleased with the technology, in terms of putting them in control of their energy use and bringing an end to estimated bills. We’ve been very impressed by G4S’ sound progress in the smart meter market and we’re pleased to extend our current working relationship to include this new activity. We look forward to working closely with G4S to deliver first class metering solutions for all of our customers.”
