G4S to receive eight British Safety Council awards
The contracts, which all received the BSC International Safety Award, are:
Churchill Hospital, Oxford; North Wiltshire Schools; Tower Hamlets Schools in London; Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre , Oxford; the Patient Transport Service for Barking Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust; Manchester Magistrates Court; and The MET Office.
In addition Mile End Hospital, where G4S provides a range of facilities management services, secured the BSC 5 Star Award with a 97.2 percent compliance rate. G4S teams will officially receive their honours, awarded following rigorous inspection audits by British Safety Council officials, at the British Safety Council Awards to be held at Grosvenor House, Park Lane, London in May.The British Safety Council audit helps organisations reduce accidents and improve productivity by identifying their health and safety strengths and weaknesses. It also benchmarks the effectiveness of the G4S health and safety systems against other businesses. The audit involved many employees across the business and a comprehensive range of areas were assessed, including: safety policies; procedures and risk assessments; first aid facilities; alarm systems; fire fighting equipment; escape routes; and general housekeeping. Chris Elliott, Group Managing Director G4S Integrated Services commented: “Our business has continued to develop its health and safety management systems in order to achieve and maintain a high standard of best practice. Our efforts in maintaining this high level of performance have duly been rewarded with not one but eight safety standard awards for our contracts around the country. These awards are testament to the commitment and effort that everyone has contributed to in order to help reach the required safety standard.”Brian Nimick, Chief Executive of the British Safety Council, said: "The award of seven International Safety Awards and a 5 Star Award for Mile End Hospital demonstrates the G4S continued and ongoing commitment to a high level of health and safety provision throughout their serviced sites. G4S is setting a clear precedent for other companies to follow.