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Kamelash's Story

It’s so important that the make up of our security team really represents the communities we serve. Our people contribute to delivering the best possible visitor experience. As part of our recruitment campaign, we spent time chatting to women to hear their stories...
Women In Security

Kamelash - SIA Security Officer

What did you do before?

I worked in hospitality and retail, which I really enjoyed!

What's the best part about your job?

The interaction with people and the team atmosphere. I also really appreciate the flexibility around my home life. When I first joined I could only do a limited set of hours but when I needed to work more, my role provided that flexibility. It really works well around my responsibilities at home.

What surprised you most about your role?

How important the customer service skills are! You are constantly interacting with people of all ages and nationalities. 

What would you say to someone considering a role in security?

Don't hesitate. There’s such a great team atmosphere and it's brilliant to know you play an important role in someone feeling safe whilst enjoying their day!
