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Social responsibility

G4S recognises its ethical responsibility towards its employees, customers, investors, local communities and other stakeholders.
Společenská odpovědnost

Socieal responsibility and ethics

Social Responsibility

G4S recognises its ethical responsibility towards its employees, customers, investors, local communities and other stakeholders

G4S is the largest employer quoted on the London Stock Exchange, with operations in more than 125 countries, G4S is committed to being a good corporate citizen.

We take account of the economic, social and environmental impact of our business, and aim to maximise the benefits and minimise any negative impact of our global operations.

We also play a significant role in the lives of hundreds of thousands of people – both directly through employment and our relationships with customers and suppliers, and indirectly through our involvement in the communities in which our employees live and work.

At the heart of our strategy is the safety and security of our customers, their assets and the general public. Our everyday activities therefore reflect the responsibility we have to constantly contribute to a safer society.

Although our approach is framed by compliance with our business ethics policy, it is the performance, dedication and commitment of our employees that forms the real foundation on which our approach to social responsibility is built. 

Our ethics

Ethics are a key part of our culture

The backbone to our culture of social responsibility is our business ethics policy. It describes the G4S Group’s core standards, and must be adopted by all companies as a minimum standard.

It is published on our global intranet and incorporated into employment contracts wherever applicable.

This policy is also a living document. It is reviewed regularly, to ensure it continues to reflect our business model and areas of operation, and issued to all senior managers and executives.

Adherence to the policy is monitored regularly and reviewed annually as part of our compliance processes. Senior managers are asked to reaffirm their personal commitment to it every year.

Read the Business Ethics Policy (PDF 1924.3 KB)

The United Nations Global Compact

G4S has signed up to the United Nations Global Compact, an international standard which promotes socially responsible business behaviour in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption.

This aproach also declare both of the Czech companies, G4S Cash Solutions (CZ), a.s. a G4S Secure Solutions (CZ), a.s., which belong to the international G4S group. 
