G4S Secure Solutions (Angola) Limited
Condomínio Dolce Vita, Imóvel 1A, 7º andar A e B, Município de Talatona, Distrito de Talatona, Via S8
(+244) 948 751 848
Condomínio Dolce Vita, Imóvel 1A, 7º andar A e B, Município de Talatona, Distrito de Talatona, Via S8
(+244) 948 751 848
G4S Secure Solutions (Angola) Limited is a private security company. Established in 2010, the company provides integrated security solutions and works within the oil and gas, transport and logistics, financial, tourism, government, health, maritime and property sectors.
In Angola, G4S combines the scale and resources of a large global business with strong local capabilities and expertise.
Our security professionals are recruited and carefully screened according to their talents, qualifications, experience, temperament and background.
Whether a location requires security professionals to protect facilities or respond to incidents, operators or analysts to synthesise data, our team of security professionals is committed to delivering superior customer service.
Our technology systems and services are designed to meet each customer’s unique requirements. By leveraging our vast network of specialised technicians, software and technology partners, we are able to deliver leading technology to budget and deadline.
Our team of specialised risk consultants have demonstrable knowledge and experience in delivering tailored risk management solutions appropriate to the country of operation.
From specialised training, ordnance management and intelligence services we work with our customers and their communities in which they operate, to mitigate risk.
Working for G4S in Angola, you are part of a company that helps ensure the safety and welfare of millions of people worldwide.
Contact recrutamento@ao.g4s.com or +244 928 508 309 if you are interested in working for G4S Angola.
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