Do you know
your security risks?
Security Risk management
“Businesses across the globe face many different risks on a daily basis, and these risks are constantly evolving” explains Rachelle Loyear, Vice President of Innovation and Integrated Security at G4S, in the new Security Risk Management Guide published by the G4S Academy.
“That’s why at G4S we take a risk management perspective when thinking about designing and developing integrated security programmes.
“Designing a security programme based on a risk assessment can help identify risks you have not previously considered and allows you to more deeply understand your security risk profile and risk tolerances.”
G4S Risk Assessment Tool
Carrying out a risk assessment has now been made simpler for businesses by the G4S Academy with the launch of the free-to-use online G4S Risk Assessment Tool. This tool allows businesses to self assess the risks that they face, broken down into different categories of “assets”, including people, property and reputation.
A free G4S Risk Radar Report is then generated for the business to download which provides a deeper understanding of their risks and the measures that can be taken to mitigate those risks.
Try out the free G4S Risk Assessment Tool
“Taking a Risk-Based Approach to your security programme, provides significant benefits to you and your internal business partners” explains Rachelle.
“It moves your security function from a reactive to a proactive approach and is driven by the philosophy of bringing value to the organisation by protecting and supporting the ability to carry out its primary mission. It also adds objectivity to the security decision making process, and helps you and your organisation to be aware of, and avoid, any bias that the organisation might have due to holdover methodologies from the past.”
G4S Academy
Rachelle Loyear leads the G4S Enterprise Security Risk Management program and the G4S Innovation Team in the Americas. Rachelle has spent her career managing programs in corporate security organisations and co-authored the 2018 book Enterprise Security Risk Management: Concepts and Applications.
The new Security Risk Management Guide sets out the three main components of Risk: Assets, Threats (or Hazards), and Vulnerabilities.
“Unless all three are present, there is not a “true” security risk present.” explains Rachelle. “Exploring assets and looking for impacts to those assets will tell you what you need to protect. Then, seeking out vulnerabilities to threats or hazards leads to the identification of “Risk” - which will tell what you need to protect it from.”
The Security Risk Management Guide is part of a new series from the G4S Academy, a platform within G4S that works collaboratively with customers, suppliers, partners and other stakeholders to create knowledge and value together.
The G4S Academy’s mission is to create and share knowledge based on G4S’s global expertise that will reinforce how we provide safety, security and enhance value for our customers