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Building The Foundation for a Safer Dubai

Developers of a major highly-visited lifestyle destination in the UAE needed unified CCTV surveillance capability across multiple sites. Here’s how G4S helped them to achieve their goals ahead of schedule.


The customer in this situation is a world-class developer and a leader in creating master-planned communities locally and internationally. They are an international company, operating large-scale property developments, shopping malls, hotels and residences in the Middle East, North Africa, Pan-Asia, Europe and North America.

The customer reached out to G4S for help with a central Emergency & Crisis Management Centre they had recently developed in Dubai. The facility was complete and the next step was to integrate the CCTV from multiple designated locations to provide surveillance content for the control room.

There were many aspects to handle during this project. First of all, G4S needed to check the readiness of all subsystems and assess the current set-up and site orientation of the control room. It
was also important to establish connectivity to all subsystems, including network, user account and any third party licensing and installation of intermediate hardware. Plus, all assets needed to be configured with the cameras, using IP details, names, etc. 


The goals of this project were to provide unified surveillance capability across several of the largest and most important buildings in Dubai. The developer had their own Innovation Agenda and Smart Security roadmap to follow, based on international guidelines and best practices.

In order to create the foundation for a safer city in a way that would align with these goals, G4S approached the project in a connected, comprehensive way. The team got to work developing a schematic for a PSIM (physical security information management) video wall. Each Crisis Room Operator would be able to survey important camera links in remote locations, providing them with the visibility they need to make risk assessments and important decisions. The aim was also to integrate third party systems and entities into the Crisis Control Room, so that these tools and technologies could be used to their fullest potential. 


G4S accomplished the installation of the unified surveillance system ahead of schedule, which featured 6,000 cameras integrated with PSIM software, in less than two months.

The advanced situation management standard established by G4S included:

  • Implementing the customer’s Innovation Agenda and Smart Security roadmap.
  • Integrating third party systems and entities into the Crisis Control Room.
  • Setting up Enterprise Business Intelligence and Reporting, so that the customer could have access to dynamic real-time dashboards giving visibility into their security, operations and risk environments.
  • Integration with Dubai Police and Ambulance for enhanced security and incident support. 


Thanks to the systems set up, the customer has much more than a robust CCTV network. They are now able to generate reports that track situational, operator, device and sub-system data. They can monitor news, weather, terror alerts and other threats, all from a central location.

G4S also created a Concept of Operation for special events, which is a document that outlines the employment of the proposed system from the viewpoint of the people who will be using that system. In other words, when a special event occurs, the blueprint for how to response has already been clearly laid out. 

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