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G4S Academy Specialists to Co-host
2021 Security Summit Session

2021 Security Summit
Experts from the G4S Academy will co-host a session on Enterprise Security Risk Management at the all digital 2021 Security Summit in May, with John Petruzzi, ASIS International President of Global Board of Directors, giving the keynote address. 

Rachelle Loyear, Vice President of Innovation and Product Management, G4S Americas, and Marko Šukilović CPP, Business Development Director and G4S Academy Partner, G4S Serbia, will be sharing their expertise and hosting a discussion on Enterprise Security Risk Management on Tuesday 4 May at the 2021 Security Summit.

“The summit is a welcome opportunity after a difficult year to actively engage with our fellow security professionals and share our experiences and expertise” said Rachelle.

“Businesses across the globe face many different risks on a daily basis, and these risks are constantly evolving” explains Rachelle. “That’s why at G4S we take a risk management perspective when thinking about designing and developing integrated security programmes.” 

2021 Security Summit

Keynote speaker

Making the keynote address to the summit will be John Petruzzi, Global President of the ASIS board of directors and EVP, Northeast Region for G4S, USA.

“G4S has a long history of supporting ASIS International and the G4S Academy, like ASIS, is all about bringing our global colleagues together. This summit is a great opportunity to share the history of ASIS with the industry and our ambitions to transform ASIS into a truly global association, with not only diversity of race and gender but also diversity of thought, from across the industry.”

John will focus on the globalisation of ASIS and the top 10 most valuable reasons to be an ASIS member. ASIS has 34,000 security professionals as members, in 158 countries. 

Session on ESRM

Security Summit 2021 will be a fully digital event running from Tuesday 4 May through to Thursday 6 May. The summit includes key speakers, virtual booths, case studies, and side events with debates and success stories.

“At our session on May 4, we’ll be introducing participants to concepts and applications of Enterprise Security Risk Management and discussing how it applies to different industries” said Marko. “It’s an extremely important and evolving area of security and we’re looking forward to a really engaging session.”

Rachelle and Marko were brought together through the G4S Academy Network and the development of the G4S Academy Risk Assessment Strategy. The G4S Academy provides opportunities for like-minded professionals to engage with one another and share industry knowledge and innovative ideas.

To register for the summit, visit  
The summit is a welcome opportunity after a difficult year to actively engage with our fellow security professionals and share our experiences and expertise
Rachelle Loyear, G4S VP Innovation and Product Management
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