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G4S Academy Approach

The G4S Academy’s mission is to use our global knowledge and expertise to co-create industry-leading solutions, products and services that will improve how we provide safety, security and business value to our customers. 

 The overall strategy of the G4S Academy is to position G4S as: 

The most innovative company in the industry

The global security industry expert and to stay top of mind with our customers

A unified global customer orientated company with aligned integrated solutions, concepts and communication

The G4S Academy’s mission is to use our global knowledge and expertise to co-create industry-leading solutions, products and services that will improve how we provide safety, security and business value to our customers.

We define Value as the triple bottom line - environmental value, social value and economic value.

Security and safety has become a fundamental component of business operations. Many of our traditional customers are changing their focus from managing safety and security to fuelling business growth. This is one of the biggest challenges that executives in the security industry face today and this is forcing all of us to communicate our value in a completely new way.

The G4S Academy strategy is to encourage more collaboration with our customers, suppliers, partners and other stakeholders to create knowledge and value together. This is a full-scale co-creation strategy where we collaboratively develop business value - Customer-Centric Innovation.

The G4S Academy Pillars

To execute the G4S Academy successfully, four external orientated pillars (focus areas) have been created:

G4S Academy Specialists - Generating Collective Intelligence

The G4S Academy Specialists are the backbone of the knowledge sharing strategy. These are globally aligned and connected resources who are customer orientated, competency mapped, examined and trained.

G4S Academy Repository - Sharing Knowledge

The G4S Academy Repository is the content creation and communication platform for seminars, educations, conferences and has a library with guides, cases, tools and newsletters. Sharing of knowledge to create awareness and value.

G4S Academy Network - Knowledge Created Together

The G4S Academy Network is a platform for facilitating solution and segment specific networks of customers and other stakeholders with a focus on knowledge sharing, and solution and segment development.

G4S Academy Forum - Co-Created Innovations

The G4S Academy Forum is our platform for innovative customers and other stakeholders. It consists of security & safety professionals who’s common goal is to make what we do today better and discover new solutions for the future.

The G4S Academy Forum is our platform for innovative customers and other stakeholders. It consists of security & safety professionals who’s common goal is to make what we do today better and discover new solutions for the future. 

Read the word of the expert - what about this topic says Marko Šukilović, CPP, G4S Academy Partner Serbia & G4S Academy Strategic Solution Specialist. 

Stay tuned. 
