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G4S Risk Management in Africa

Ordnance Management

Since 1995 G4S Ordnance Management (OM) has successfully completed numerous projects for a wide range of clients, encompassing various post-conflict theatres of operations in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle-East and the Far-East; including major global donor/funding agencies such as the World Bank, the European Union and the International Trust Fund as well as United Nations (UN) agencies. We have also worked for government departments and commercial clients in a number of countries and supported Peacekeeping Organisations.


Ordnance Management 

G4S OM currently has business units in Ukraine and Iraq with operations in South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo.  In Africa and the Middle East, G4S OM has delivered projects since 2002, this includes, Iraq, Afghanistan, Mozambique, Mali, Egypt and Cote d’Ivoire. Some of our specialist work in these areas of operations includes Non-Technical and Technical Survey, Manual Mine Clearance and Mechanical Mine Clearance, Battle Area Clearance and Road Clearance Capacities including the provision of Quick Response Teams, Emergency Response Teams, Multi-Task Teams and Integrated Clearance Capacities in support of our clients and National Authorities.  G4S OM has released over 1.2 billion square metres of previously contaminated land and suspected / confirmed hazardous areas since 2002.

Our experience

Our existing highly experienced management capacity coupled with our global operational experience makes us a commercial leader in the safe and compliant disposal of explosive ordnance (EOD), Improvised Explosive Devices Disposal (IEDD), providing both front-line clearance services for areas affected by Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) as well as detailed technical surveys and training services to support commercial organisations.  We are a long term partner to the International Humanitarian sector with expertise in technical survey and clearance which supports the rights for individuals and communities to live in a safe environment conducive to development, and where ERW survivors are fully integrated into their societies.


South Sudan

G4S OM has operated in South Sudan in support of the United Nations Mission (UNMISS) since 2006 and is currently providing self-sustained Multi-Task Teams and Emergency Response Teams capable of conducting Non-Technical Survey, Technical Survey, Manual Mine Clearance, Battle Area Clearance, Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Stockpile Destruction and Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) in support of Livelihoods and Development. 

The projects employ over 30 international staff and over 325 local national staff with an HQ based out of Juba and operations throughout South Sudan. 

Our operational focus in support of UNMISS is to conduct hazardous area surveys, landmine and ERW clearance and destruction, route verification and clearance, emergency mitigation measures for improperly stored small arms and ammunition (SAA), disposal of unserviceable ammunition belonging to the UNMISS troop contributing countries (TCCs), Explosive Ordnance Risk Education for humanitarian partners and vulnerable members of the community in accordance with the National Mine Action Authority (NMAA) strategic plan.

Democratic Republic of Congo

G4S OM has operated in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in support of the United Nations mission (MONUSCO) since 2021 providing a self-sustained Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD)/Improvised Explosive Device Destruction (IEDD) response and an Explosive Hazard Assessment Training capacity consisting of one EOD/IEDD Team and one IED Threat Mitigation Training Team that effectively conduct EOD and IEDD when tasked by United Nations Mine Action Service, while also delivering Explosive Hazard Assessment Training and other related training activities to Forces Armees de la RDC (FARDC), and Police Nationale Congolaise/Congolese National Police (PNC), MONUSCO Troop Contributing Countries (TCCs), UN AFP’s (Agencies Funds and programs) and UNMAS DRC National EOD Implementing Partner (IP).

The project operates in the MONUSCO areas of operations, North Kivu, South Kivu, Ituri and Tanganyika with the operational team based out of Beni and the training team based out of Goma.

The teams presence in the DRC has better prepared both MONUSCO Troop Contributing Countries and the National Armed Forces to deal with IEDs through effective training and operational support and saved life in support of livelihoods and development through the removal of IED and Explosive Remnants of War.

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