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Richard Stedman appointed as Director of Oakhill Secure Training Centre

Richard Stedman has been appointed as Director of G4S-managed Oakhill Secure Training Centre (STC) and he will start his new role on 1 April 2018
Oakhill secure training centre

Situated in Milton Keynes, Oakhill is a residential secure training centre for boys aged 12 to 18, on remand or sentenced to custody.  

Currently Director of HM Prison Birmingham, Richard will take over from interim Director Lisette Saunders, who was seconded to lead Oakhill STC in November 2017. Lisette worked as part of a G4S project board to drive forward an action plan to improve standards at the centre.

Richard has significant experience of working with young people, having held senior roles over a four-year period at Parc YOI (Young Offender Institution), a G4S-managed centre near Bridgend, South Wales, for boys aged 15 to 17 on remand or sentenced to custody. Richard was latterly Director of HM Prison Rye Hill, near Rugby. 

Richard Stedman said: “Good progress has been made at Oakhill STC to restructure and strengthen the workforce to provide better support for young people. 

“I want to build on that and put the right measures in place to continue to reduce violence and self-harm and improve the provision of education and purposeful activity.”

Managing Director for G4S Custodial & Detention Services in the UK, Jerry Petherick, said:

“Richard will provide stability and direction for Oakhill STC, bringing a wealth of experience working with young people. He will drive forward the change programme required to improve standards at Oakhill.”

“I would like to thank Lisette for the significant work she has done in a remarkably short time to put in place a thorough action plan to improve standards at the centre. Lisette has had a crucial impact on the provision of improved support for young people and front-line staff as well as greatly improving the management oversight of the centre.”

G4S successfully delivers a leading youth custody centre at Parc YOI and is committed to ensuring that Oakhill operates to the same high standards. Lisette will resume her permanent role as Deputy Director at G4S-managed HM Prison Parc in Wales. 

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