G4S Children’s Services
Following the broadcast of the BBC’s Panorama programme regarding Medway Secure Training Centre, Paul Cook, G4S Managing Director of G4S Children’s Services said:
“We are appalled by the behaviour of certain members of staff at Medway Secure Training Centre shown in the programme and I would like to apologise personally to any young people involved in these incidents. The wellbeing, safety and care of the young people at Medway is our primary objective and we are shocked that any member of staff would behave in this way.”
“There is no place for the conduct shown in the programme within any of our Secure Training Centres and it will not be tolerated. We took immediate action to suspend the staff concerned on 30 December and we will take further action as appropriate once the police investigation is complete. We have also taken immediate steps to increase the oversight and governance at Medway whilst the investigation continues.”
“We are in close discussion with the Youth Justice Board to commission an investigation into these matters once the Kent Police investigation is complete and we have requested copies of all of the evidence collected by BBC Panorama between August and December 2015 in order for us to conduct a thorough investigation.”
If you have any concerns or any information relating to the issues raised at the Medway Secure Training Centre please call 01634 334466. Alternatively, you can call 101, the police non-emergency number.