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Electronic Monitoring - statement

G4S has today issued the following statement in relation to the contract to deliver Electronic Monitoring Services on behalf of the Minsitry of Justice:
G4S, Monitoring

“We can confirm that we are working with The Ministry of Justice on their review of the Electronic Monitoring contracts mentioned in their statement earlier today and of which we were informed earlier this week.

"We believe that we are delivering our Electronic Monitoring service in a completely open and transparent way. The EM service contracts have previously been audited by the National Audit Office, which concluded that our service offered “good value for money to the taxpayer”. The service, including billing systems and processes, has also been subject to regular assurance audits by the Ministry of Justice.

"We have worked with successive Governments to provide Electronic Monitoring services and under the current agreement (which started in 2005) we estimate we have delivered savings to the UK taxpayer of more than £2 billion, compared to the alternative cost of custody.

"We fully support the efforts that are being made to deliver increased savings to the public purse, and give our total backing to the Secretary of State’s current procurement review.
We have regularly reviewed our pricing and have delivered an overall reduction in the cost of the service of 13% since 2005.”
