Police outsourcing statement
John Shaw, Managing Director of G4S Policing Support Services, said:
“We have today been notified by the three Authorities that they intend to continue to work with G4S to develop a full business case for the outsourced delivery of support services.
“We are very pleased to be able to continue to support the forces as they seek a solution which will enable them to retain and build on existing frontline policing capability and services and address a funding shortfall of £73 million.
“Clearly in these times of austerity forces are investigating alternative ways of delivering the support services that underpin effective and efficient police operations and we are confident that by working with G4S the three forces will be able to make considerable savings which they will be able to redirect to frontline policing.
“We look forward to the opportunity to form an enduring partnership with Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire Constabularies, and are committed to delivering a high-quality business case which will be a benchmark for the delivery of UK policing.”