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Mount Gambier Prison pivotal in record low reoffending rates

Mount Gambier Prison is making a difference to reduce reoffending in South Australia. Working togetherwith the Department for Correctional Services, the prison has made significant contributions to the State'snationwide reputation for low reoffending rates.
prison garden

Mount Gambier Prison is making a difference to reduce reoffending in South Australia. Working together
with the Department for Correctional Services, the prison has made significant contributions to the State's
nationwide reputation for low reoffending rates.

As of the latest report, from 2022-23 South Australia boasts the lowest recidivism rate in the nation, with
36.9% of individuals returning to prison within two years. G4S-managed Mount Gambier Prison has
achieved a rate of 37.1% for 2021-22, demonstrating its effectiveness in preparing prisoners for
successful reintegration into society. This achievement puts the prison on track to meet the Department
for Correctional Services' goal of a 20% reduction in reoffending by 2026.

The prison's success is a testament to its strong partnerships with the Department for Correctional
Services (DCS) South Australia, and SYC Limited, as well as the dedication of the Mount Gambier Prison

A key factor in the prison's success has been its partnership with SYC Limited, which provides
comprehensive support to prisoners both before and after release. SYC assists prisoners with finding
accommodation and employment, accompanying them to appointments, advocating on their behalf, and
helping them access local community services and grants.

The hard work of the Mount Gambier Prison team in identifying and connecting prisoners with SYC is also
crucial. Additionally, the prison's extensive range of vocational courses, criminogenic programs, and the
dedication of its Education Coordinators have contributed significantly to reducing recidivism.

Another important factor is the high rate of prisoner participation in employment programs. As of June
2024, a remarkable 95% of prisoners were engaged in employment-related activities. This achievement is
partly attributed to the expansion of the innovative Work Ready, Release Ready (WRRR) program.

WRRR, a partnership with Workskil Australia, delivers education and hands-on training to participants,
paving the way for them to enter the workforce after they exit custody – and reduce their risk of
reoffending. The program recently received a significant boost of an additional $6.3 million in funding from
the South Australian State Government. This expansion will allow the program to be implemented at both
Mount Gambier and Port Lincoln prisons and will increase enrollment from 500 to 800 participants, while
also providing more support for Aboriginal participants by increasing the proportion of this group to 40 per
cent of total participants.

A Five Stream Industrial Model has also been developed to help participants secure a career in highly
sought-after roles – covering construction and mining, manufacturing, customer service, transport
facilities, and logistics.

The WRRR program has demonstrated a high success rate, with 52% of participants finding meaningful
employment post-release. The program's three-stage approach includes work readiness training while in
custody, pre-release preparation, and post-employment support.

Allan Bridges, Reintegration Manager at Mount Gambier Prison, expressed his enthusiasm for the
program's expansion, stating that it will allow the prison to reach even more prisoners and provide them
with the opportunity to turn their lives around.

“By providing prisoners with the skills and resources they need to succeed, Mount Gambier Prison is not
only reducing recidivism rates but also contributing to a safer community for everyone.

“While there is still work to be done, G4S takes pride in its role as a partner in success, committed to
supporting DCS in reaching the goals of the 20by26 Strategy”, Allan said.
