G4S Careers
Who we are
G4S is a global business with operations in more than 85 countries. We employ more than 800,000 people, making us one of the world's largest private employers.
We offer our employees an immense range of exciting, rewarding and long term career opportunities where they can really make a difference in a meaningful way.
Health and safety
One of our core values, the safety and wellbeing of our employees and those in our care is a priority for our organisation. Our goal is zero harm.
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Our candidates
Our employees
Diversity and inclusion
We know that our success depends on us having employees who are as diverse as the world in which we operate and who are provided with equal opportunities that enable them to perform to their full potential.
Learning and development
We continue to invest in the training and development of our employees so that they can reach their full potential.
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Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement
Our Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement describes the actions we have taken to help prevent modern slavery.
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G4S Sustainability Report
Our approach to Environmental Social Governance (ESG) is now firmly embedded in our business processes, from employee recruitment and supplier management to bidding and contract delivery.
Careers at G4S
At G4S you are assured a world of opportunities. Our employees and services touch the lives of others every day.